Bee Balm is a favorite not only of bees but also hummingbirds and butterflies. It blooms in the spring, offering a delightful fragrance that provides natural aromatherapy. Its leaves can be used to make tea.
Lavender acts like a magnet for bees when it blooms. It is often left alone by deer and rabbits but attracts bees with its strong fragrance. Lavender requires well-drained soil and full sunlight to thrive.
Crocus is a great choice for bee gardens as it is typically left alone by squirrels, ensuring that its nectar is reserved for bees. These plants bloom early, providing much-needed nectar to bees at the beginning of the growing season.
Borage is a drought-tolerant flowering plant known for its unique star-shaped blooms. It produces its seedlings frequently, ensuring longevity in the garden. Borage's cucumber-flavored leaves are edible and can be eaten raw.
Black-eyed Susan is a bright, cheerful addition to any garden and is particularly attractive to honeybees. Its bright yellow petals and brown-centered flowers are a visual delight, and the plant can live for years without needing to be replanted.
Foxglove thrives in shady areas with moist soil, making it ideal for less sunny garden spots. It needs to be grown for two consecutive years to establish itself but will then reseed and persist for years.
Chives are early bloomers, making them one of the first sources of nectar for bees emerging from winter. They are easy to grow in any climate and produce flavorful herbs that can be used in cooking.
Coneflower is a major attractor of bees due to its long blooming period from mid-summer to fall. This wildflower provides a continuous supply of nectar and pollen, which bees forage for eagerly.
Grape Hyacinth produces small, grape-like blue blooms that naturally attract bees with their color and fragrance. These tiny flowers are full of sweet nectar and pollen, making them a favorite among bees.
Salvia comes in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, and red, making it easy to find a type that fits your garden's aesthetic. Both perennial and annual varieties of Salvia are highly attractive to bees.